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The Tale of Old Coffee Shops

Project type: 2 x Editorial

In Singapore, coffee drinking is entrenched in the local culture. The best coffee, some say, are the ones made by the older generation or when one is in a nostalgic circumstance.

With modernization, old coffee shops have been replaced by chain stores in cities and towns across the country, and they are gradually forgotten. Would convenience and varieties of coffees win the hearts of people and take over aged coffee shops?


Uniquely P - The Preserved Paper covers some of oldest and most unique coffee shops in Singapore.

Five of the top traditional coffee shops were interviewed around Singapore. Ratings are based on their coffee & toast, ambience, and stories.

One owner shared,“A toast that binds kinship, friendship and partnership...”

Part II Editorial - How traditional coffee shops are gradually forgotten due to modernization? Publishing editorials about traditional coffee shops in Singapore highlights these cultural gems, reminding myself and others of their value and encouraging efforts to keep them alive.

Concept development, Creative direction, Digital illustration, Editorial, Photography

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